ताज्या बातम्यासामाजिक

General Manager Central Railway chairs 125th ZRUCC Meeting

नवनवीन बातम्या व ताज्या घडामोडी पाहण्याकरिता बारामती झटका, संपादक – श्रीनिवास कदम पाटील, ९८५०१०४९१४ हा नंबर आपल्या व्हाट्सअप ग्रुपमध्ये समाविष्ट करावा.

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One Comment

  1. I was just as fascinated by your creations as you were. The sketch you’ve presented is elegant, and the material you’ve written is sophisticated. Yet, you seem concerned about the prospect of embarking on something that could be perceived as dubious. I’m confident you’ll be able to resolve this issue quickly.

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