
10 Conversational AI Use Cases in Banking to Streamline Operations

common chatbot use cases

Find critical answers and insights from your business data using AI-powered enterprise search technology. Around the time when you know they’ll need to replenish their supplies, your chatbot could send them a reminder. Since they can purchase directly through the chatbot, there’s a reduced chance of them going to another vendor.

common chatbot use cases

Deploying chatbots on your website, mobile app, WhatsApp, and other platforms can help different industries to streamline some of the processes. These include cross-selling, checking account balances, and even presenting quizzes to website visitors. Many popular news portals and television networks introduced chatbot services. Chatbots inform people about breaking news and recommend top stories to read. CNN was one of the first news businesses to build a bot on the Facebook Messenger platform.

Types of chatbots: #4 Voice-enabled chatbot

Imagine being able to tell your smart speaker, “Hey Alexa…transfer 57 dollars to Bebinca’s account! That’s what Conversational AI does, and it has found traction with the banking industry. Numerous banks are leveraging Conversational AI to build voice-enabled apps to create differentiation in a highly regulatory-driven and parity industry. Chatbots and Virtual Assistants have different capabilities and characteristics.

common chatbot use cases

Many of these bots also allow a human to take over after a conversation reaches a particular stage. The good thing about chatbots is that a few of them understand natural language, which makes it the perfect tool to engage a broad range of audiences. In today’s technology landscape, a chatbot is considered one of the most advanced and promising expressions of interaction between humans and machines. Chatbots play an essential role in providing more reliable and quicker customer support and keeping the customers up-to-date about the delivery status of their purchases.

Automation in Customer Service: Use Cases, Benefits, Best Practices in 2023

Bloom Avenue’s Olivia, Facebook Messenger chatbot is the best example. Olivia is a user-facing chatbot that asks a series of skin-related questions, and then recommends the right skincare products for each user. With chatbots, you save time by getting curated news and headlines right inside your messenger. Emirates Vacations is one of the best chatbot examples of how they deployed chatbots for boosting customer engagement. H&M, the renowned clothing brand built a chatbot that asks users questions about their style and offers photo options for users to choose from.

  • Cem’s work in Hypatos was covered by leading technology publications like TechCrunch like Business Insider.
  • Use a chatbot to keep in touch with customers to offer special discounts and encourage repeat sales.
  • Woopra encourages users to familiarize themselves with Woopra’s webinars and other types of educational content through chat.
  • You can train your chatbot for retail to ask each customer if they want to join the email list at the end of every transaction.
  • ChatGPT seems more human-like than its predecessors, fuelling the interests of customer service teams who are interested in this technology.
  • Monitoring vitals via application to help alert doctors during crucial times or emergencies through a conversational doctor-facing chatbot.

Allow us to help you out with some of the best E-commerce chatbot use cases. Besides, they were searching for a way to address commonly asked questions. For example, questions about their eligibility for different immigration programs and Visa application processes.


Customers can receive notifications and help from the AI chatbot if their account witnesses any strange or unusual activity. And if more intervention is needed, the chatbot can also connect the user to an available live operator on priority. Your conversation with an AI chatbot in healthcare will have a similar route. Learn all about how these integrations can help out your sales and support teams. You can create ITSM workflow automation for your chatbot to ensure software upgrades are current.

  • In particular, you should consider features that improve customer experience.
  • Since these simple requests are easier to turn over, more customers leave your store feeling like their needs were met.
  • These are Machine Learning (ML) bots, which can learn from what the user tells them and what they ask for.
  • Consumers no longer visit a store to see products or order services; they visit websites to take action.
  • You can design a bot that asks these qualifying questions with reply buttons.
  • So, make sure the review collection is frictionless and doesn’t include too much effort from the shoppers’ side.

This data analysis allows companies to optimize their customer service strategies and improve overall customer engagement. Chatbots can be utilized to engage with customers through social media platforms, providing instant responses to inquiries and offering personalized recommendations based on customer feedback. Chatbots are computer programs designed to simulate conversation with human users, providing instant responses to their queries. They can be integrated with websites, social media platforms, and messaging apps, making them easily accessible to customers.

eCommerce Chatbots

Depending on the customer’s answer, the bot could do different things. For example, if the customer is very happy with their order, the bot could ask them to write a review on your website. If they’re not happy with it, metadialog.com it could ask more questions about what they liked or didn’t like about it so that you can improve your business and products. One of the most effective ways to improve your business is to gather customer feedback.

common chatbot use cases

Dollar Shave Club’s chatbot offers 24/7 service for simple questions and queries that customers may have, providing global audiences with support options regardless of their timezone. Patient-facing assistants are ChatGPT-integration that have abilities to work as virtual assistants to its user. It does fulfill various tasks such as scheduling appointments with doctors, providing details regarding nearby centers. Along with generating information for those who aren’t medically inclined about the ailments.

CSML Template Highlight: Create an E-Commerce Chatbot With CSML

Let’s discuss how chatbots have transformed different business functions in terms of customer service. Customer service representatives need to understand the context of the call and don’t have time to prepare for it. On the other hand, bots can deliver a personalized experience by accessing the history of interactions you had with a company. The usage of chatbots can highly improve productivity, thanks to all of its features. They can be used in any sphere, yet, the best condition to use chatbots is when you need to cope with big data. There is no need to explain why software is more effective than a human being in circumstances when the process requires operating with a huge amount of data as soon as possible.

The Implications of ChatGPT for Legal Services and Society – clp.law.harvard.edu

The Implications of ChatGPT for Legal Services and Society.

Posted: Thu, 09 Mar 2023 15:55:08 GMT [source]

Use the Twitter toolset to your advantage by creating bots that communicate with style and personality. Include fun copy and hashtags in the messages and utilize emojis in quick reply buttons to create visual cues that complement the accompanying text. This is important because the interaction with your brand could lead to high-value conversions at scale, without any manual sales assistance.

Top customer engagement resources

Covidbot by Clevy was created in a couple of days in a way to keep people aware of new instructions about the sanitary crisis. Customers can ask questions about product details, pricing, how to buy or book a product or service, and more. Businesses have standard procedures for handling many of these common questions or repetitive tasks. Amy is a customer servicing Virtual Chat Assistant (VCA) deployed by the corporate banking division of HSBC Bank. Amy bot provides real-time responses to customer support queries in English and Chinese!

  • Before choosing a chatbot for business, it’s important to determine its purpose.
  • You also need to decide how you’ll manage the conversations that occur between your agents and chatbots.
  • Chatbots offer a variety of notifications you can set, such as minimum balance notifications, bill pay reminders, or transaction alerts.
  • Also, if you connect your ecommerce to the bots, they can check the product availability of specific items, help customers complete purchases, and track orders.
  • Another interesting fact is that chatbot retail sales are steadily increasing and are projected to grow to over $100 billion in the next year.
  • AskHR is an AI-powered HR chatbot that enables employees to get answers to the most frequently asked questions.

This can provide people with an effective outlet to discuss their emotions and deal with them better. A patient can open the chat window and self-schedule a visit with their doctor using a bot. Just remember that the chatbot needs to be connected to your calendar to give the right dates and times for appointments.

#1 Knowledge Management solution for growing teams

It offers on-the-go support to the users without the need to resort to other channels. Best Buy, an electronics retailer, offers an SMS customer support bot. A user simply navigates to its website, gets the relevant phone number, and sends an SMS message with their question.

What are the use cases of chatbot?

Tone analytics: Chat GPT can be used to analyze the tone of customer comments and feedback to help companies better understand customer attitudes towards their brand and products. It can also be used to receive emails, so you do not miss any important letters from customers and can respond to them immediately.

What is a use case in AI?

AI in Marketing and Sales Use Cases

AI in marketing and sales use cases are all results-driven applications. Starting from brand/product promotions, and pre-sales, to lead generation, lead management, and lead tracking, everything can be streamlined using AI-tech powered software applications.

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